Preaching Minister
Michael & Alyssa Thys
Hello, welcome to the 8th and Harrison Church of Christ website! I am so glad that you are here! My Name is Michael Thys (pronounced like Nice, “T-Ice”) and I hope that you can join us in worshiping and serving God soon.
My wife (Alyssa) and I met in Lubbock, Tx while attending the Adventures in Mission program (AIM). As part of the program, Alyssa spent several months in Leon, Mexico, learning Spanish and serving the church; and I spent that time in Troy, Ny working with the church up there. After AIM we reconnected and got married while attending the Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) and have been serving God ever since in a few different capacities.
God has blessed us with two sets of twins (3 girls and a boy); also, since 2017, we have been blessed to be a part of two kids from Ukraine lives. Though separated by distance, they have become an unofficial part of our family. We have a passion for children and family, and we know how challenging it is to raise a family in our world today.
We are blessed to be a part of the 8th and Harrison Church of Christ and the Harlingen community. We pray that God blesses you and that you continue to grow in your walk with God, and we hope that we might get to be a part of your journey with God. If there is anything we can do to help you in your walk with God please do not hesitate to ask.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Wayne and Diana Bishop
Robert (Wayne) Bishop was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley. His parents were members of the church and raised 3 sons who are Christians. Wayne became a Christian in his early teen years. He married Diana Wilson in September of 1970 and moved to Harlingen in July of 1971.
Diana’s parents were members of the church raising 5 daughters who were Christians. Diana became a Christian in her early teens.
Wayne became a deacon around 1989 working with Small Group Ministries
(Youth, Golden Agers, and Care Groups). He also taught Teen Classes and Children’s Bible Hour for several years.
We have four children. Amy Mueller, Karen Collins, Michael Bishop, and Kimberly Young. They are all Christians. We have 10 grandchildren. Matthew, Michael, and Mandy Loftus, Autumn and Summer Mueller, Dylan and Liberti Bishop, and Issac, Cambra, and Violet Young.
Wayne became an Elder in November 2005 serving until the present time.
Diana has taught children’s classes and Women’s Bible Study for many years.
Arnold and Cindy Robledo
Arnoldo “Arnold” Robledo was born and raised by Christian parents along with his 11 siblings. At a young age Arnold started his journey following Christ leading hymns, teaching and preaching in a Spanish speaking congregation where he was a member for 50 plus years. He gives much credit for his spiritual growth to his older sisters who were his Sunday school teachers as well as his mother who he often studied with. Arnold and his wife Cindy have two children Claudine Benavides (Javier Benavides) and Abraham Robledo along with three grandchildren, Jason, Clarissa & Carmela Benavides. We are so thankful for our church family that we have come to know and love very much. We often tell our story of how God led us to 8th & Harrison Church of Christ in May 2015 and are so thankful that we have become part of your family. Arnold began serving as an elder May 2, 2021.
Ernie and Angel Smith
Jacob and Marilyn Vincent
Jacob Vincent was born in 1944 and spent his childhood years in rural, southern Iowa. He graduated from York Junior College in Nebraska and then in 1967 from Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. He received a Master’s in Theology from Abilene Christian University in 1970. After a couple of years in local ministry in Billings, Montana, he and his family spent about 14 years working with a church planting missionary team in greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1987 the family moved to Harlingen where he was the preaching minister until 2013 at which time he left pulpit ministry and started working part time as a hospital chaplain for the Valley Baptist Medical Centers.
In 1967 he married Marilyn Griffin who grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They have three adult children and ten grandchildren, as well as a couple of foster daughters from Sunny Glen Children’s Home who have lived with them over the years. Now for more than 35 years the family has been pleased to call Harlingen our home.
Bobby and Judy Sparks